Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sprout your stuff!

Yummy, delicious, tender, mouth-watering sprouts are the way to go. Always.  When in doubt, sprout.

The benefits of sprouting are endless.  You can sprout almost any legume, seed, or grain.  When seeds start to sprout, a dormant health superpower wakes up to nourish and grow the plant.

- Enzyme inhibitors are diminished.  (These keep the seed/ grain from sprouting when being stored)

-  Calories are reduced

- Protein is increased

-  Minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron are released from their bondage within the seed while sprouting

Some lentil sprouts I sprouted the past four days.

This is how I sprout to get the most out of my seeds:

1.)  Rinse and drain the dried seeds, beans, rice, etc several times to remove the soapy layer.

2.)  Place rinsed seeds in a bowl full of water to soak for 8-12 hours.

3.)  Rinse, rinse, rinse and drain!  You don't want them to mildew...

4.)  Repeat for 3-4 days until 1/4 inch magical sprouts emerge.

Some garbanzo beans sprouted the last few days!  I will use these for some delicious protein packed raw hummus.  

So, when people ask, "How do you get your protein?"  We respond, "Sprouts!"

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